Sacred Signature Reading
Every single person came into this life carrying a sacred energetic signature, and this signature has a specific frequency that resonates with the story you came here to both live and tell. Sacred Signature Readings are my personal, intuitive perspective on your Human Design and Gene Keys profiles to support you in connecting with your signature and story.
These readings support you in: identifying prominent themes within your story, highlighting your innate gifts and strengths, potential challenges, as well as empowering you with your unique design’s strategies and approaches for navigating this story.
Sacred Signature Readings are for those who desire a deeper connection with their purpose and offerings, whether you are in the early stages of your journey or farther along your path and are seeking refinement. They are also for those who want to better understand their individual guidance and navigation systems, and who would like a fresh perspective and witnessing along their path.
These readings are not for those who outsource their power, who want to follow someone else’s footsteps, or emulate someone else’s formula for success.
Sacred Signature Readings are delivered as a 90-minute long live transmission call and include follow-up integration, and one week of support after the live transmission. You receive an audio recording of the live transmission and copies of your profiles as part of the follow up support to continue your personal contemplation of your Sacred Signature.
Though the value of these readings is truly immeasurable, the investment is $555.
If you’re ready to embrace your unique Sacred Signature, schedule your reading on the Work With Me page.
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
Carl Jung