Breathwork Journeys

Breathwork is an ancient practice that is making a resurgence in modern times now that science is starting to collect objective data on its benefits and effects. There are a plethora of breathwork techniques, serving a multitude of purposes from optimizing performance to relaxation. The breathwork that I specialize in is a trauma-informed activation breathwork technique and approach taught by Owaken Breakwork. By inducing non-ordinary states of consciousness, it allows for access to the deep subconscious and unconscious mind. Through this practice, any emotions, thought patterns, and belief systems that no longer serve you can be fully felt, processed, moved, and released. In this space, you can then realign and integrate new patterns that support your intentions and highest state of well-being.

These journeys are for those who are ready to dive deep into their mind-body system and move any stuck or stagnant energy and emotions that may be blocking them from accessing their next level of joy, libration, success, or fulfillment. This is a space to experience a direct connection to your body and inner guidance, and to expand beyond your conscious awareness. It is an opportunity to fully feel what has been asking to be felt, processed and moved.

This is not for those who are resistant or hesitant to change, are not ready to be honest with themselves or confront their truth, or are not comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Breathwork journeys consist of a 60-minute intention setting session, a 90-minute facilitated activation breathwork journey, and follow-up integration support for one week after the journey.

• Single 1:1 journey - $444

• 3 journey package spread over 2 to 3 months - $1222

Journeys can also be integrated into longer term coaching and mentorship packages, which you can learn more about on the Coaching and Mentorship page.

If you are ready for this direct experience of transformation and change, you can schedule a one-off 1:1 Breathwork Journey on the Work With Me page. Or, if you are interested in a package, please submit an inquiry on the Connect page or via email at

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.”