you are your own medicine

Who are You? What did you come here to do? Who did you come here to do it as? …Who did you come here to BE?

So often we get caught up in associating who we are with what we do. When really, only a small portion of our magic resides in what we do. The majority of our impact resides in who we are while we are doing our work. It’s the energy, intention, and spark that we infuse it with. It’s the attitude and perspective that we embody. Our gifts and offerings are not simply what we do, they are our way of life. The core essence of our being that we reflect out into the world in every moment of our existence.  

Once you connect with your deepest inner essence; your true Self, then the answers to all these questions become so clear. That’s why building a relationship with yourself is one of the most nourishing and supportive things we can do in this life.  

It takes courage to walk this path, but I know there are so many people out there who are ready to embark on this journey. So many souls that are yearning for this liberation of expression and experience that comes from connecting with and embracing the fullness of yourSelf.

If that’s you, and you are ready to step out of the old, misaligned, limited narratives and into the new, aligned, expansive horizons that await, it is my honor to support you along this journey of reclaiming your Story and Truth. Whether this is your first step along the path, or you’re miles on in and simply refining your process, I am here to fully hold you and see you within whichever chapter of the story you’re currently embodying.

The world needs the FULL You.  

Infinite, Boundless Love,


My Offerings

  • 1:1 Coaching and Mentorship

    1:1 coaching and mentorships to support you in accessing the full potential of your personal Truth and Purpose. For those who are ready to expand beyond their current experience and into their next level by identifying and moving through any barriers and blocks that are keeping them where they are at.

  • 1:1 Breathwork Journeys

    1:1 somatic breathwork journeys to deeply connect with your body and inner guidance systems to move stuck, stagnant energy and emotions. For those who are ready to have a direct experience of transformation and change.

    Offered virtually or in-person (for local clients).

  • Sacred Signature Reading

    Explore the story that you came here to live. This is my unique, intuitive deep-dive transmission based on your Human Design and Gene Keys profiles. It supports you in connecting with the themes and frequency of your story, your innate gifts, potential challenges, and strategies for navigating this voyage on which you have embarked.